*This is all speculation*
During the Minecraft Live event on October 3rd 2020.. The Caves and Cliffs update was announced. An update that people have been wanting for a long time.
This update introduced a lot of things... Lush Caves, Large caverns, Local Water levels and Axolotls. Another thing that was added was a biome called the "Deep Dark" It was only shown for a few minutes. But we were introduced to "Skulk Growths" and the subject of today's theory. The Warden is a mob who is native to the "Deep Dark". I don't know if He is a "Unique Mob" or not. I can't imagine him being a common spawn like Zombies or Skeletons. Ever since I saw the Warden, I had two questions.
"What is it?" and "Why is it"
I have a couple theories on what it could be so let's run through them.
Theory 1: Golem Theory
This theory posits that the Warden was made by someone to guard something. many people have their theories on this ranging from a new dungeon to new Dimension to even a new structure. I certainly see the source for this craving of something new... but my theory (at least this one) isn't something new but a repurposing of the Stronghold. If you're at least somewhat familiar with Minecraft, Then you should know what a Stronghold is. (If you don't, Refer to the wiki) Currently, the Stronghold can spawn anywhere underground at any variant Y-Level as long as it is full encased and not sticking up. In my theory, this would have to change (which I don't think will happen) to only spawn in the "Deep Dark". Going off of the Ancient Builder theory popularized by the team over at Game Theory. One can assume that the Warden was handmade to guard something. The only problem (at this point) that I can find with this theory is that the Warden seems very organic; The Warden can't see, it relies on sound and no doubt plays off of the Skulk growths not only in the surrounding area, but also the ones that have grown on it.

Now, my theory depends on them making him guard or defend something (probably end related).. but what if he was built to do something different, I want to stay on the Golem Theory for a tiny bit longer. I hypothesized that Horn Boi here was 100% Organic as opposed to the Iron Golem who appears to be some sort of robot (see
here). I still think the Warden could've been built but with magic instead not Redstone.
The texture for the chest/Cardio region looks strikingly similar to Soul Sand
This obviously could be a stretch as I am not fully convinced of this theory and they said that the majority of the textures were placeholders as they do not have actual artists that could've done all of them in time for the showcase.. so the souls could be a placeholder.. but assuming that they are souls.. This could still support the Golem theory.. but what if the Ancient Builders didn't build it. What if someone or something else built it. Maybe, a different race of sentient beings? Did it outlive its progenitors?
Theory 2: Void Corruption
I don't have much to go on for this one, but I've seen this one floating around the community.. The Warden and the Skulk Growths are forms of the Void invading through up to the Overworld.. I initially thought this as well... I actually really love this idea.. it could have come interesting lore implications, of what exactly what the Void is, why/how does it kill you, etc. I personally love the concept of the Void being a genetic accelerant like the goo from Prometheus. If true however, it raises the question of what did the Warden and surrounding vegetation look like before the Void Corruption happened? were there even vegetation to corrupt. Hypothetically, it could've been stone and then the Void Corrupted it into the Skulk Growths.
This theory also raises the Potentiality of the Void harboring some other realm inside it. One that reflects the corruption in others...
What would the Warden have looked like before the corruption? Maybe, it could've been a Iron Golem that was corrupted; I don't think it was, Iron Golems seem to stay around Villages and not Guard underground regions. I believe that, if this theory was proven true, the Warden would've been a completely new mob. If so, will this uncorrupted mob be found other places in the Deep Dark or maybe higher in the caves..
I want to explore that idea of separate groups, In a hypothetical, this species maybe lives in higher Cave biomes but a small group ventured down into the Deep Dark and got corrupts by the Void. This would require them to be somewhere between a Common Spawn and a Unique Spawn. I wouldn't expect their spawn rates to be like Zombies, Creepers, or Skeletons. A randomizer between these two options would work really well.
Theory 3: English Teacher Syndrome
Maybe, The Warden is just a cool mob, nothing more. Maybe we are all reading too much into it.......
Thank you for stopping by.. Please, if you have any more theories or if I missed any details, please comment it down below. I loved doing this and had to limit myself or else I'd get it done by the time 1.17 had already released. If there was anything else from the Caves and Cliff update reveal that you would like to hear my opinions on, please let me know.
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